When to Cut Down a Tree Near Your Home

Learn when it’s necessary to cut down a tree near your home and the associated costs of doing so. Contact GT Tree Experts for a free consultation! When it comes to trees near your home, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Is the tree healthy? How big is the tree? […]

How to Know When A Tree Is Sick

Have you ever noticed something strange on your tree and wondered if it was sick? Learn howto visually inspect your tree and what to look for, so you can get help if necessary. When it comes to trees, we often think of them as being indestructible. However, even trees canget sick and need treatment. If […]

Top 7 Products Used for Trimming Your Trees at Home

Gardener Trimming Plants

If you want to tackle your own tree trimming, you will want to build up a collection of high quality toolsthat are meant for each task. High quality tools and a good maintenance plan allows you to keep thetools in good working order and sharp for many years to come. How do you select the […]

10 Tips to Find the Best Tree Removal<br>Company

Man with chainsaw cutting the tree

Since you are looking for tips to find the best tree removal company you must know how important it isto hire the experts when it comes to tackling the removal of a hazardous tree on your property. Tree removal could be necessary after an emergency, such as after a storm when a branch getsdangerously close […]

Top 7 Tree Removal Companies in Atlanta

Removing Tree Branches

After you have identified hazardous trees on your property what comes next?  You may be thinking that you can trim or remove the tree yourself, but keep in mind that you are no longer a ten year old who can easily climb a tree and slay the dragon.  Aside from the dangers of climbing a […]

Warning: 7 Reasons Trees Can Damage Your House and Put Your Family in Danger

Trees Can Damage Your House and Put Your Family in Danger

Having dead or dying trees around your property can be hazardous to your home, your family, and your community. Regular inspections can protect you from unwanted expenses, or worse, injury to your family or neighbors.  What creates a hazardous tree? Any tree that has a compromised structure can bring cause for alarm. In some cases, […]

How Hazardous Trees Affect Your Home and Property

Gardener Trimming Thujas

Trees are a responsibility that require a little attention. If ignored, they can become a hazard to you and your family, your neighbors, and your entire community.It can be difficult to decide to cut down a tree on your property. It may have been a gift from your father when you moved into the house […]